How You Must Journal

Does any of this sound familiar?

There is no reason to journal if you can’t spend an hour alone and in complete silence. Why waste the time to do something you need to do and makes you feel better unless can give it the time you need. Because each time you do it you must get a zen-like feeling and an astounding epiphany from it. Or that you have to meditate beforehand then sit at your emasculate desk filled with loving pictures and crystals. With a gorgeous leather-bound journal and a calligraphy pen.

Why would you do anything unless you can do it 100%?

Does anyone else feel ridiculous about this? How would you get anything done if you did everything this way?

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Are There Benefits to Journaling?

Still not sure why people are journaling?

I mean, it’s just putting words on paper. Technically you do that all the time typing and printing. We’ve all done those basic, and sometimes weird, surveys. We share intimate thoughts and moments every day on social media.

The big difference is that journaling is all for you.

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4 Small Steps to Jump Start Your Dream

We all have dreams. From the small ones like getting a gift or hoping for a compliment from someone you look up to. To medium ones like a raise or getting asked out by that guy you've crushed on for a year.

But the are larger ones in life. The ones that sneak into your thoughts throughout the day. The ones you mostly or completely keep to yourself. Those lofty ones that would change your life. And probably scare the shit out of you.

Have you done anything with those big dreams?

No? Didn't think so.

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Solitude: And Why You Don't Need a Committee

The other part is because I could never find someone to do these things with. And I refuse to sit around waiting to do something just so I wouldn’t be alone. That is another way to learn about yourself, to get away from the people who have preconceived notions of you.

Don't you get tired of all the noise? Of everyone's "advice"? Cause I am. You can go around looking and asking for others' opinions and knowledge. But in the end its your choice. You know what is best for you; and what your wants and needs are.

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