Posts in I Don't Wanna Fit In
Structure Does Not Stifle Creativity

There is a belief out there that those who are really creative are disorganized and scatterbrained. The depiction that usually comes to mind is a painter whose home is a mess that can’t remember even the most basic family things. They just can’t live normally because their creativity doesn’t let them. That’s honestly a character. Maybe in the past, some people did that, but only rich people. Most people now do not have the means to do that. And it’s not even necessary to live like that to actually be creative and successful at it.

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Keeping Things Small

When you start doing something new there is always the drive to go big with things. With all the drive and enthusiasm there’s nothing wrong with that. You should be able to grow things you enjoy. Even better if it makes you money. But at some point, you will have to decide how far you want to grow it. It doesn’t make you a failure in any way if you don’t want to go real big.

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Choosing Career Over Family

There are times in life when you will seem to be choosing work or a passion over others. And sometimes you may be. Nothing wrong with that. You need to make the choices in life that fulfill you. Sometimes to get where you want to require major changes. And those changes can be hard for others to understand or accept.

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How To Add Helpers

Building something for yourself can be hard. And you do need to know how every part works. But at some point, the only way to level up is to get help. And that is a whole other problem in itself. There are two main ways to go about this. Each has its pros and cons. You’ll have to see how well you know people and how much you trust them to see which would work best for you.

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Some Hobbies Need To Stay Hobbies

We should all have some hobbies. They give us time to relax and just have some fun. But there is a fine line to being really good at a hobby and making some money from it. Its a perfect place to start when doing a side hustle. It would also be nice to help fun said hobby so you can do it more. But there are times when you should just keep them as hobbies.

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