Choosing Career Over Family

There are times in life when you will seem to be choosing work or a passion over others. And sometimes you may be. Nothing wrong with that. You need to make the choices in life that fulfill you. Sometimes to get where you want to require major changes. And those changes can be hard for others to understand or accept.

When People Think You Are Doing This

There are many reasons why others can think that you are doing this when you actually are not. It can be a change of priorities, growing up, or even just having less free time. Some people just don’t like that you are not as available to them. And after talking to them about it a few times sometimes you just need to leave them in their misunderstanding. It’s their opinion that they want to hold on to.

When You Actually Are Doing This

For the times you are actually making major changes is because you want something enough for the changes. And with those big things takes a lot of time and effort. Which means what time you do have will go towards that over other things.