Some Things You Don't Need To Be Good At

We can learn to do anything, really. But do we really need to? Yeah, in business you should have an idea about how things work. But who really has the time or energy to do that for everything we do in life?

Done Is Better Than Perfect

Sometimes we all can’t just get things perfect. And that’s just fine. If we keep waiting for things to be perfect and keep tweaking it it will never be done. Sometimes it just needs to get out there. Most people are not going to care to see little mistakes. Stop wasting time

You Don’t Need To Be An Expert In Everything

There is so much in the world that does not require an expert. I may do 2 podcasts but I don’t know all the ins and outs of all my equipment. If something needs to be fixed half the time I have no idea what I did to fix things. Just start clicking things.

It Really Doesn’t Add Anything To Our Lives

Yeah, I know how to change a tire, my oil, and the brakes on my car. Have I done it anytime recently? Hell no. I do not enjoy it and it doesn’t bring anything to my life for doing it. I will pay someone else to do it.