How To Add Helpers

Building something for yourself can be hard. And you do need to know how every part works. But at some point, the only way to level up is to get help. And that is a whole other problem in itself. There are two main ways to go about this. Each has its pros and cons. You’ll have to see how well you know people and how much you trust them to see which would work best for you.

Help From Friends and Family

This can be a minefield in itself. On one hand, it’s hard to tell some people what to do and not take advantage of them. The other, they may not want to listen. Thinking they know better than you, especially if they are older or have more “experience”.

Other problems or things to think about:

  • They will help for free or cheap at first, but you should work up to paying them a fair wage

  • Many want to help but need more specific direction

  • Don’t guilt them to help

  • They are rarely experts in what you need help in

  • This is rarely a long term arrangement

Paying For Outside Help

This can be great to do, but also hard at the same time. You have to be very much organized to get the most of someone who is an expert to help you. You need to know exactly what things you need to be taken off your plate. It’s usually the things taking up too much of your time doing, stresses you out, and/or what you are really not good at.

There are so many options out there for people. And you will need to know what you can afford to see what gets done first. It can be overwhelming trying to find the right person. And you might have to lower your expectations a little to be able to afford what you can.