Some Hobbies Need To Stay Hobbies

We should all have some hobbies. They give us time to relax and just have some fun. But there is a fine line between being really good at a hobby and making some money from it. It’s a perfect place to start when doing a side hustle. It would also be nice to help fun said hobby so you can do it more. But there are times when you should just keep them as hobbies.

Not Everything Needs To Make Money

there is this drive, especially in America, to always be productive. To always be making money. We are not successful people unless we produce something of value. And that push is really strong when you have a hobby that you are really good at that people like what you produce.

But we all need to break from the mindset. There is nothing wrong with just having a hobby to just have one. All our time does not always need to be in the pursuit of something. We are not lazy and wasting potential just by resting some of the time.

It Can Just Be For Fun

There really isn’t anything wrong with doing something just for fun. I took a few piano classes in college, just because I always wanted to try and love the music. But since it had nothing to do with my major I got a lot of people asking why I would waste my time. One even went so far as to say that since I couldn’t do anything with it it was a waste. Which is ridiculous. I wanted to learn something new and was just having fun. Plus the classes were free so I wasn’t even “wasting” money.

It Can Take Away All The Benefits

Sometimes putting restrictions, schedules, and structure for something you love can take the joy out of it. It can strangle the creativity right out of it. So the fun and joy can be pushed right out of it. Sometimes you can know right away if that would happen, but for others, it will take you trying to see that it just won’t work. And there’s nothing wrong with that. SOme things can just stay for you. Maybe making some to gift to others.