Dipping A Toe In: Leaving a Business As A Side Hustle

Side hustles are the easiest way to start a business. And it may go well and start to be really successful. But there are good reasons to not go full-time with it and make it a big business. Because not everything needs to be more then what it is.

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You’re Getting what you need out of it

You may have only started your business to make a certain amount of money. You may have gotten to that point or even exceeded it, but really have no drive to make more. There is nothing wrong with just keeping it there for just that reason.

You might have started it just wanting to try something out or get more experience. You may have gotten a better job because of it that gets you more money and less time working. Its perfectly fine to just have it keep going for fun and to have extra money. I love doing my photography, but I have no drive to get more clients or enter every contest I can, or get into every magazine. I just want it to fund my travels and some more equipment.

you just don’t Have the time or energy for more

sometimes we just don’t have anything else to give. Things could have picked up at home or work where you are driving around more. Your kids may need more attention in school or you may have a family emergency that needs more hands. Yes, it can be at a point where if you had more dedicated time and energy it could grow to replace your regular income. But if there is too much else going on you can just coast for a bit until some things clear up.

you really don’t have to put everything on the line and go all in just because it at the point. Things own’t blow up or die if it has to simmer a bit up your timing is better. The time may never be perfect but there are times that are worse then others. Waiting isn’t always a bad thing.