Creating Events for Introverts Too: Interview with Lara

There are times that us introverts have to or even want to go to events like conferences or workshops. We can even enjoy them too. But there are ways that you can run them to make them more introvert-friendly. it’s not even a big thing, just some small tweaks here and there. Just to make it so everyone can get what they want out of it and not feel overwhelmed.

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  • Have events that work for many groups. Have things that are for people that are high-energy and want to talk. Then have things that are slower and shorter.

  • Keep the events and/or sessions shorter. Let people get the info they need without all the extra that really isn’t needed.

  • Don’t force people to do things that make them uncomfortable. It’s not always about caring about what other people think, but sometimes we just don’t want to do it. Like at all. Give people options for different energy levels.

  • Let people network how they want. Give options that are for both introverts and extroverts. Give the choice, but not too much choice. Take the pressure off people to do so much of the work.

Just thinking past what you want at events will make it better for all the people who will come. We all operate differently and just being a little more accommodating and giving a little more support can make all the difference. Other people choosing a different way has nothing to do with you but lets them get what they need out of it.


Lara Wellman

Certified Business Coach who believes small business owners can make more money, love the work they do and still have time to enjoy their lives

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