Easier Introvert Self-Care

There are so many more ways to take care of yourself. But for some people, it’s not easy to do so. Life can get in the way, with actual people doing it purposefully. There are certain things you can do to make it easier, from your mindset to setting up at home.

Ways introverts can do self-care more easily 2.jpg
  • Get rid of background noise. It can be aggravating to so many. It could be the laundry going, hearing the neighbors, or any little noise you don’t really think of like appliances.

  • There needs to be no limits. Don’t put it so you only do meditation if its 30 minutes and not do it because you don’t have the time. Or only exercise if its an hour. You don’t have to go the nine years when you take a bath; salts, oils, candles, and everything. Nothing has to come out of it, its for the enjoyment.

  • You only do the same thing. You are not letting your needs grow with you. But where you are and how your life is changes over the years. Allow yourself to try different things to see if something else will give you enjoyment and relaxing.

  • Self-care does not have to be relaxing. In the traditional sense like massages, meditation, or naps is not the only self-cares. Hiking is tiring but is still good for you. Same with many sports and hobbies. Photography is fulfilling but its not really easy. I’m in weird positions and I’m so concentrated trying to get the shot right.

  • Its never the same for each person. Not everyone finds reading as enjoyable as me. Some people love playing games, singing, or any other thing but many like them differently. Some people who play games love RPGs while others love playing with a team.