Bad Reactions

Sometimes we cannot help how we are, it’s called being natural for a reason. But some of the things are not good for you or the people around you. It can be hard on relationships if we do not see and sometimes change the way we react to things. These can be from hearing bad news, hard conversations, to just not taking care of ourselves until our bodies force us.

Each introvert is different in how we do things, but there are a few that I’ve seen the most. Now it will be hard to stop doing these altogether, but we can do things to do them less or shorten the time we do them.

  • We disappear

  • We close down

  • We overthink and pick things apart

When we know we are going to do these there are a few things we can do to not hurt the people around us when we do them. Sometimes doing them is needed. Just something you can do right before so you don’t leave people wondering what’s wrong.

  • Communicate what you are doing and why

  • Have a time-limit for yourself so you don’t wallow