Selfish Badass Movement: Interview with Krista

Your purpose is not something you find under the couch like an Easter basket. There's a little bit of a process to it and yet it is something that is within you it is in your DNA, you are born with it from the minute you have the breath of life within you, you have your purpose. It's just that it gets covered up through all of our stories and our experiences and the negative things that happen to us. We spend a lot of time going around in circles, trying to fulfill ourselves with all these other things, when really it's our purpose that everything flows out of, and we can kind of dive into that more but that's, that's kind of the baseline of it.

I help people remember how powerful they are. Truly, I hold the mirror for women. And I say ‘Do you see what I see?’ You are that powerful. We just forget because again, of all the garbage that happens to us; our stories, our experiences, our situations, we forget that we have all the power within to live out our calling to live out our assignment.

When you're a people pleaser, basically, you're a liar, because you don't really know who you are.

Purpose is what you have been designed and created for. It is something that is actually part of your DNA. It's the very fabric of your being and it's why you are here on this planet. You don't even have to, ”try to be it”, it is your truth. It is the essence of who you are. It is what you are made for, versus what you like, or what it is literally, in you.

And if you don't live out your purpose and express your purpose, you are always going to feel like there is a part of you that's missing. without purpose, we actually Rob ourselves of true fulfillment, and here's what's really fun about purpose. It's a little bit different than a vision. Purpose is timeless. So your purpose never ever, ever changes. It's always the same. It's always consistent. Now your vision will change your vision, you know what you're doing from your 20s, to your 30s to your 40s, your 50s. That's what changes but the purpose never your purpose never changes.

Check out the full episode for all the steps to finding your purpose. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you got from it.