Freedom Through Wellness: Interview with Leah

I was that kid who was always kind of the teacher's pet was teased a lot for being a nerd. And for always knowing the answers to the questions sitting in the front of the classroom and and that's a pretty classic story.

It became really apparent from a very early age that I was going to be an entrepreneur. My first experience with that was at age 17. And I was starting to turn away from my varsity sport experience for a number of reasons. But I really liked exercise and I wanted to keep finding ways to move my body that were fun and engaging and filled with music.

So my whole professional journey has been a blend of working for others and working for myself, but even during the timezone I've been working for other people, it's been very self directed and in roles that allowed me to use a lot of my entrepreneurial skills. So program development, facility launch, a lot of leadership and management, a lot of creativity and I just naturally gravitate toward gravitated towards positions where I could be super autonomous. And nobody was looking over my shoulder very much.

I stayed in the wellness industry as both an employee and then most recently as a yoga studio owner for a cumulative total of 25 years. And just as last January in 2019, I sold my yoga studio, I've had a couple of other projects that have been kind of running in the wings, and was able finally to make a complete pivot towards those new projects. So now I'm diving deeper into authorship