Get Someone Else To Do It

When starting out in a business or side hustle we mostly have to do everything ourselves. I believe you should, for a time, so you know how everything works and be sure if someone is not doing something right. But at some point, you can’t keep doing everything. No one has the time or energy to do it all and grow. So then it’s time to get someone else to take things off your plate.

Get Someone Else To Do It

This can be hard for some to do. It can be a combination of not wanting to spend the money, you can do it, and you don’t trust anyone else to do it how you want. But you’re gonna have to get over that. Unless you want to keep very small and not move up, you physically cannot keep doing everything when your hustle starts to grow.

But you don’t always have to get help for your business only. There are 3 main areas that you can get help with just to give you time and space:

Help With Others

This mostly goes if you have dependents like children or elderly parents. It can be anything as getting a babysitter for a few hours a week so you can get some uninterrupted time to get things done. It can also be getting more professional help when you feel overwhelmed. We are not trained to help out our parents with medical things or you have a child with more special needs.

We get locked into the idea that we should be able to do it alone and its our responsibility. That getting any kind of help means you are not a good person or a failure. That guilt does not belong to us. We deserve time to ourselves and not just in service of others.

Around The House

You have no idea how excited I will be when I can have a cleaner come regularly so I never have to dust again. It is one of my most hated chores. And I will never feel accomplished and less than because I will not be the one doing most of the cleaning in my own home. I see it as an accomplishment that I can afford it.

Though getting help at home isn’t as expensive as you think. You can do cleaning, yard work, dog walking, car maintenance, and even someone else to install or fix things for you.

Don’t get me wrong, I come from a family who believes its better to do it yourself if you can. They have the mindset that its cheaper, which it can be, but not count the time and energy it takes. I don’t care to spend a couple of hours changing the oil in my car and rotating the tires. I just don’t care that much. I know how to do it but I’d rather spend my time doing things I like.

Business / Side Hustle

I love getting help in my business and hustles. When you get to a certain point you will need some kind of help. Having someone else post your social media, create graphics, write your blog posts, take care of your emails, schedule appointments, etc. Take things off your plate so you can keep working on the money making things.

Again, getting a little bit of help isn’t expensive either. A couple hundred dollars a month can get a lot done with the right person. It doesn’t even need to be on a regular basis if you can’t yet. Yet have a few contractors that can work per-project and drop things when you can.

What are some of the things you want to get someone else to do?