We Don't Work Well With THe Status Quo

A lot of cultures try to keep thing the same. Nothing wrong with trying to make things easier but it doesn’t work well for everyone. It has already been shown in schools that many kids do not learn well in the same environments. So we also do not work our best this way also

It means everyone is the same

This is awfully boring. Everyone learning the same things, all doing the same things. Where’s the variety? We is the space to be creative and innovative? We should all be able to do and be something different. As introverts this means (in countries that cater more to extroverts) that we get left behind a lot.

It allows for little to no change

We should be changing as time goes on. As people we should be growing. It has already been shown in businesses that if you do not move with the times that you will get left behind and go under. Everything changed once the internet became prevalent. But it also showed how well a lot of jobs can be done differently and at home. As introverts we have so many more options out there to still be ourselves and still contribute.