Limits Are Not Limiting

People get so worried and scare about missing out on things that they don’t really have a direction. There is a time and place to put limits on things. Its the same with setting up boundaries. Its gives you direction and space to really work on things. Having limits on some of the things in your life will actually open up your life.

There is a beginning and an end

I don’t know about you, but I can work on something over and over again. There could always be something to make it better. which is sad because I’m not even a perfectionist. This can be for anything from work to the things you actually enjoy doing. I could adjust a photo back and forth for days if I didn’t give myself a timeline to just be done, especially since a lot of them are just for fun and not work.

You Can Actually get things done

Having limits gives you parameters to get things done. Just like in school when you had to write a 5 page paper. Almost no one wanted to go way over that limit. You got the point across and you were done. Then you got to go off to the next thing.

It gives you space to figure out what you actually want

We all can fall into the trap of always being productive. For me working from home it’s easy to just keep working, especially because I have so many projects. But I have days and times that I only allow myself to work on things. Doesn’t matter that I love my work (for the most part), life is not all about working. I would have never given myself the time to explore other things because there would always be something else I “should” be doing.