Understanding How We Want To Be Included

It’s a well-known thing that introverts are not really upset when plans are canceled. It’s almost become a joke. Or that we can be known for not going to events we are invited to.

Understanding how we want to be included

We Want To Be Invited Without Conditions

I don’t know if you notice this but there are times when people try to have to be or act a certain way if they invite you to things. Sometimes it’s from family, but also friends. Where they tell you to “try” and be nice to people while you are there. Or to make sure you talk to enough people so no one thinks you are miserable there. First, if we actually wanted to go there we want to be there. Second, we shouldn’t have to act a certain way (aka fake a smile) just to make others comfortable. If you want me there then you are going to get “Me”.

Vary Your Gatherings

This may only be with certain friends. Where they only seem to have group gatherings or only go somewhere that’s loud. And us introverts don’t do well in those settings all the time. If you want to be our friends you need to vary what you do and where some of the time. We’re not asking for much, just a time for just us to hang. No competition for your attention or with others talking.

You Need To Be Inclusive Too

But this also means that us introverts need to compromise too. We need to be the ones planning things too. And also go to those parties. Hang you the other friends too. THat’s the point of friendships, we do things that the other wants to do sometimes.