Schedule Your Work and Socializing For When You're At Your Best

We all have schedules. You can’t really do any work or hang with friends without it. But the other thing you need to keep in mind when making your schedule, for work and fun, is how much energy you will have before, during, and after. And as an introvert you need to try and figure out what will be best for you. To actually have the energy needed.

We all have different cycles

For men, they usually run on a 24 hour cycle while women work on a moon one. So as a man having to do stuff with your kids on top of working a long hard shift at work would not be good to go out later that night. For women, there are just days you cannot go to another party. This also can mean whether or not you are a morning or night person. My brother is a night person so don’t even think about having a deep conversation with him then. While I am a morning person so I can easily get up. I use to work at a business hotel and had to get up at 3:30 in the morning, but without ample warning and planning, you are not gonna be seeing me after 8pm.

Know how much energy you’re gonna need

Some things just take more energy to do. I am perfectly fine going to a wedding and only needing the next morning to recover. But anything with kids? Don’t talk to me for 3 business days. Do you need to preserve energy beforehand to make it through? I just took a road trip with some friends and I stayed home and did nothing with people 3 days before we left. But only needed the rest of the afternoon after getting back to be good.

Work with what you have

Being able to make all these decisions just on this alone would be great. But doesn’t work for most. We can’t always work around our work. We have families and you can’t ignore children. So you have to work with what you have and do your best. We actually do want to still go out with people. Go to those events to advance your life.