Quiting Is Not A Failure

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The idea of failure.

And that if you try something out, and it doesn't work forever, whatever reason, you didn't realize it was the work you didn't want to do. The environment for where you were didn't pan out, or just you just weren't in the experiment. Those are not actual true failures. You tried something out, you took the strength and the fortitude to get out there and do something different. And that is not a failure because you learn something from it, you experienced it, and you live through it.

So it is not a failure for you to try something and it doesn't work out or even to change your mind. Like maybe you what you work towards a major, or some training, and you enjoy doing it. But when you put it out into the world, in one form, it wasn't what you thought it was and didn't work for you or a certain job, it may just put them in the company when there you didn't like the atmosphere, you didn't realize, we're told very well what exactly it was entailed, or with a lot of jobs, they kind of give you an overview what you do, and then you get there.

The same thing is when you want to try a business, the biggest reason why I always advocate for trying things out as a side hustle is that you can start small and try out to make sure something you really want to do. Whether or not you want to turn a hobby into something you make money for whether you will lose the spark for it, whether it will kill your creativity, sometimes it will, there's certain things that I would love to be able to create and really get paid for but I just I can't.

you quitting something does not equal a failure. If you didn't learn from it. If you didn't try something new. It'll give you an idea of where else you can go toward. Only if you let it, beat you down, and never try something else, again, that you don't learn from it.

Don't listen to those naysayers telling you that this is just that shows that you can't do it. No, just you need to just adjust. That's what most everything is about life is you need to adjust with your, your thought process, you're planning what you're offering. There are 100 different reasons out there why or why not something didn't work. And honestly someone could do nothing to do with you.