Moving Takes Adjustments: Culture Shock

There is a lot of moving going on in the world. It really is to move these days. And I have a lot of experience with this. By now I’ve moved at least 25 times, and one of those times was out of the United States. So I have some idea about how to adjust to new places, especially with the culture shock. I’m going to need it as I get ready for my move.

It Takes Time

This is obvious, but sometimes people forget that everywhere will be new and have its own culture. Even if you move to a slightly different area in the same neighborhood. Each area has its own way of doing things. A way it has settled with the people and building around. Even if you already know people there and can speak the language no one can fit in anywhere right away.

Mourning Period

You’re going to need time to mourn what you knew and how you did things. even the smallest thing as how you drove to work. You may now miss your favorite coffee place going this different way. So you have to work to get there now, some extra thought. For somewhere farther the life you were living will be very different and you will not know where you belong in it.

Small Steps

Some people try too hard in the beginning to make friends and create a routine that they don’t want to change in the beginning. And they go too big. They don’t allow for things to just settle on their own. Other people need time to adjust as well. So just walk the neighborhood first to familiarize yourself and get people use to seeing you. Don’t just throw a party to get everyone to love you the first weekend you get there.

Find Your Comforts

As you explore you new area and routines find the small things that will comfort you. Mine are bookstores and walk trails. Knowing where I want to walk my dog, even just the same route that we will know will only take us 15 minutes. Books are universal and their stores are quiet havens. Always around to give my a familiar comfort.

Reevaluate Your Needs

You might live a little farther from your work so your needs will be different then when you were closer. You will need to know where more gas stations are, but also good places to get lawn games. Maybe you closer but have a different work schedule and don’t need that morning coffee anymore. Don’t just look for things that you used in your last place, see what comes up and you get settled.