Introvert Bypass

We are all peculiar people. And it can seem hard sometimes to be friends with us. We don’t always want to go out. Crowds can be a nope a lot of the times. But there are some funny things you can do to get get us to move our bubble around. I like to call them an Introvert Bypass. Just little things that help to get us out and actually having fun with the people we like.

Introvert Bypass

Do Something We Like, Then What You Like

I always love stacking things, whether it’s habits or activities. If you want to get us out to do something try adding stuff that we really like. I will always go to a small party if you will feed me and there will be a dog there. Or do some things that allow us some alone time beforehand. Maybe head to a bookstore, movie, or museum first if you’re making a day of things. Dinner also works if we can get some one-on-one time with you first. But ultimately to get us out there needs to be no pressure. To not have to act a certain way.

We Will Defend Something We Love or Believe

Nothing wrong with a little competition. Now, this only works if the people we are defending from will not take this too seriously and will be respectful. Not all of us are great with a hostile argument. I may love anime and kpop, but never really go to meet-ups or big events. But I will go down in burning flame defending that they are valuable media and not something just for kids or “little girls”.

In Need Of Another

This works sometimes for people with anxiety. That if we see someone having a problem or needs something we will override our own discomfort to help. The example I see all the time is if you’re at a meeting that you are eating during and you feel uncomfortable getting up to throw away your apple that you finished after throwing away your other stuff. You would rather sit there awkward and keep it than get up again. But if you see someone else wanting to do the same things and look really uncomfortable you will grab their thing with your own and throw them both away.