How To Get Over Our Embarrassment

We all have embarrassing moments at some point in our lives. No one is perfect. We say things wrong; we trip; we have all these gaffs, etc. When you are a teenager, it is really hard to get over it; but as you grow older, you get more experience, and you get ideas of what you can work through to help get over embarrassment. So now you’re definitely not making as many mistakes as before; and are not making yourself more embarrassed because you now know how to navigate. 

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There are certain things that you can do to help work through it. You shouldn’t let it ruin your day or hold you back from doing anything. Most times it doesn’t happen like in the movies where everything goes horribly wrong; it’s never really that bad for the most part. It more often happens because someone did something stupid; not because you just kind of had a slip-up.

  1. Move on as fast as possible: Remember that you are your worst enemy. You shouldn’t dwell too much on the incident or hold on to the moment for too long. You should learn to let go of the feeling elicited by the embarrassing event fast enough so that you can get over it and move on from it.

  2. Laugh about it! Did you know that the more you show people that it is not a problem to you; the less likely they are to make it a problem to you. I am sure you know one or two people who love to bring up embarrassing things with everyone else. But if you don’t give the person as much power about it by showing it doesn’t affect you/ not giving the desired reaction, they will likely bring it up less and less. 

  3. Let bygones be bygones: It is true that something majorly embarrassing may have happened to you in the past; but it doesn’t define you currently. It does not have to be a part of you, taking up your time and energy all through.

  4. It could be worse! I always remember to ask, “But did you die?” Always remember that you actually survived that crazy experience. Was it really that freaking life-changing?  Most people actually forget about it soon enough. Even if it was a huge deal, you need to go through the process and heal from it.

  5. Do not attach emotions to everything: Not everything has to have an emotion attached to it. Some things happen by chance and shouldn’t make it feel like you are defined by them. Do not overemphasis the significance of something embarrassing that happens to you.  or are said as facts. You will be surprised to find that people actually do not care that much and forget about things very quickly. If you attached emotions to something you would end up attaching too much meaning/ importance to a situation and feel even worse.

We should always remember that we only human. Nobody is perfect! We are all going to goof up once in a while especially when we are around other people because we can’t control everything. We shouldn’t let it hold us back or let it simmer in us for too long. Some of these things aren’t that important in the whole scheme of our lives. It sure as hell isn’t as important to other people and their relationship or perception to us.