How To Create Multiple Income Streams

Having more than one source of income is almost a must these days. With the uncertainty on jobs and the rising costs of things, we all need a little cushion. Before it was just getting a part-time job to make some extra money. Luckily now there are so many more options for everyone. And this has nothing to do with whether or not you keep your job or go it on your own. This is just to have more ways to make money.

Mostly for when one thing goes down. Work has fewer hours or you get sick. Then you have extra money to hold you over or will work while you can’t. Before having these other things was seen as you not being very successful, now it’s smart and safe to have them.

How to create multiple income streams

Freelance what you already do

This is the easy and smallest thing you can do. Whether you find the jobs/projects on your own or work through a website or company. These can be short projects that you can just keep finding new clients for whenever you want or need. But doing this from something you already know how to do gives you less time setting up. And usually, you already have the training and equipment needed.

If you already do editing; photos, videos, websites, whatever. Most of the main things you do at work you can consult on outside for other people.

Expand your business

If you already have a business or side hustle there is always another slightly different direction you can go with it. If you do photography, everyone knows about doing photo sessions. This can be weddings, family portraits, or business branding. Then you can add more products to offer. Different kinds of prints. Not just regular photo prints, but canvas, metal, collage, blankets, cards, and so much more.

Even if you only do photos for magazines or marketing you can always sell your own prints that don’t get taken. Either as stock photos or sell them under your own name on your website. You can always have a photobook, teach a class, or do Youtube videos. All are great options.

Build up a hobby or something you are already good at

This is usually the way people first start a hustle. Something that they already enjoy doing and see if they can make money from it. The one thing I always put out there is to be careful. Once you start trying to make it a business and make money it can kill your joy of this hobby. Try it if you want but don’t feel bad if you need to step back later if the joy is gone. It doesn’t make you a failure.

Now, a lot of people can do this just fine. There is a huge market out there for handmade things and support small businesses. Just look around Etsy. There are hundreds of people who create t-shirts, crocheted sweaters, dog jammies, and jewelry just to name a few. If you are great with cleaning or organizing you can do just like The Home Edit ladies. Who also has products and a Netflix show along with their services. People will pay others to do things they don’t want to.

There are opportunities to make a little more money everywhere we look. We don’t have to just be stuck with what a job will be willing to give us. You can always set something up that only goes for a few months just to save up for Christmas and take a break. Don’t limit yourself to the idea that anything has to be full-time and all year long. Get out there and get the money you need.