What Is A Freedom Mindset?

I love to talk about getting out there and trying new things. Having the confidence to go a different road. But in all these actions I hope you all will take, I haven’t helped with the inner work. Because if you are what’s getting in your own way nothing me, others, or even yourself can say to get you to do anything. If you don’t work on the mindset (what’s inside) nothing moves or changes. This particular mindset is what I like to call Freedom Mindset.

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It particularly works through the ideas and stories that hold us back from living a life of true freedom. This can be defined in any way that fits you. freedom to do or not do something. To always have a choice in what you want.

it can be something far (like what you see on social media) of selling all your possessions and becoming a digital nomad. Or creating a huge following online and getting paid to be an influencer. But it can just be making sure you have the time to do your hobby every day. Or getting yourself debt-free so you can homeschool your kids or retire early.

It doesn’t have to be something huge and enormously life-changing. Freedom to you may be never having to work a weekend. Or getting efficient enough to only have to do 4-day work weeks. Or never having to miss any important days for your friends and family.

Part of working through this is the idea that you should go big. Yes, you need to not think small because you believe what you want is selfish/wrong/unobtainable/against someone’s wishes. You can be happy with a regular job. You can like where you live. You can love the people around you. Just because it isn’t big doesn’t mean it isn’t right.

The other part is getting through what is ‘possible’. That can be what is possible for you or people “like you”. you were told and/or believe that you have to go to college. Have to buy a house. Have to have children. Be grateful for any attention. Not complain about any job.

These are limiting beliefs and are based in fear. Freedom is based in hope, exploration, and curiosity. These beliefs and stories that we have must be exposed and released before we can truly level-up our lives.

In further posts and episodes, I will go over a lot of these points in detail. I won’t leave you hanging.