Creating Social Habits

Social habits are things that we do automatically when we are out with people. For the most part, we are trained by adults to do these things. In America, we shake hands when meeting people while in Asia the bow. It’s the little things. For introverts, it can be hard to do some of what society deems “acceptable behavior”. I never got looking at people the whole time you are in a conversation. Sometimes it can seem intense to not break eye contact. But these at the ones that I trained myself to do.

Keep Your Word

This can be a big or small thing, but even all the small things add up. It’s about integrity. If you say you are going to do something then you should. But that also means to mean it when you say it and not being pressured and people-pleasing. If you say you are going to meet someone at a specific time try to be there on time and don’t cancel last minute.

Have the person who was interrupted continue

I feel like this is just having manners but sadly happens too often. People get interrupted all the time. Too many people listen just enough for conversations just so they can say something, not to actually listen. And too many of us get interrupted. So I try to make sure people get to say what they wanted.

Slow Down Speaking

If I get excited or nervous I can speak really fast. Which can be hard for some people to understand. If I actually get into a conversation the other person should be a part of it too. It also makes it so I don’t mess up words when speaking, which can happen a lot. I may be a native English speaker, but I still mess up words a lot.

Remember Names

I am really bad at this. So I try to do little things to remember names. If I can’t do that I try to remember something memorable about the person. Because the point is to see them some time or maybe make friends. For me, I remember funny stories, interesting facts, or if you have a dog. Especially if you show me a picture.