Why I love Being An Introvert

We all should strive to better ourselves and to always be learning. But there are some things that do not need to change. You should be happy and proud of these things about you. They are things that make you unique. And one of the things I love is being an introvert.

The quiet doesn’t bother me

If you want to hang out but sit in silence doing your own thing, I’m your girl. I don’t add unnecessary noise to conversations. I will actually listen. I have no problem taking walks without headphones (though I’ll often just have some on but not play anything). sitting with my thoughts rarely bothers me.

Most people’s prejudice benefits me

There is still a lot of prejudice against introverts out there. That we are antisocial and hate people. So a lot of people will avoid me or talk to me less with that preconceived notion…. And I’m perfectly fine with that. I don’t want those kinds of people in my life. It literally means fewer people who will talk to me. It’s a natural way for me to weed people out.

I’m happy doing most anything alone

When I was young I was self-conscious about doing things alone. There was such a stigma that you were a loser if you did anything alone when you could have people with you. I have eaten at a restaurant alone. Gone to movies, the zoo, galleries, and concerts alone. And nothing bad ever happened, the world didn’t end. And I had so much fun doing exactly what I wanted.

Broken plans don’t bother me

There are plenty of memes out there showing people having to cancel plans with introverts and we sound so sad but are throwing all our things off and jump into bed happy. It is a true depiction. Now, this doesn’t count really if people cancel last minute and you are already on your way. But it hurts no feelings if life changes things. You just don’t feel good, take care of yourself. Your kid didn’t tell you about a project until the last minute. Do what you need to do.

What are some of the things you’ve loved about being an introvert?