When You Need To Pivot

when you need to pivot

There will always be a time in your life where you're going to need to figure out that you need to pivot. Whether it is what in schooling with work, starting a business, side hustles all these different things. pivoting in your life is normal, it's change, you should always be changing.

There should be changes because you have different hobbies, you have different things, different people come and go in your life. And there are certain things you kind of need to keep in mind when you're figuring out is this a time to pivot.

The first one is figuring out if this is actually something needed versus this is fear or shiny syndrome. The fear is that it's taking a long time, and you building up a business is not going to blow up to a multi-million dollar thing in a couple of months. Even with a side hustle, it's gonna take you a while if you don't have quite the time to work on it for hours every single day for it to build up to make a decent income. There's also the idea that you have the driving energy onto a certain topic and a certain idea. And so you're thinking like, oh, maybe I should try this thing and stop what I'm doing right now and try this thing because I have the energy for it. I'm so interested in it.

I feel like shiny object syndrome is literally more because you want to add something fun and cool into what you are doing but you don't want to change anything else in your life. It’s a little too shallow with actual needs to change. It's kind of a yes, you need to change your job. So you need to figure out your finances you need to figure out what do you want what you don't want in life. While the other one is more.

Whatever you've done before that you need to change or pivot from is not wasted, you have always learned something from it. And part of what you need to do is work through that none of the change and pivots you do should come to mind and then you just drop it like go. It should take time to actually go through about what exactly needs to change and why you'd actually go underneath the underlying ideas and the emotions because since it's about you and about your life, there should be some emotion to it.

It shouldn't just be excitement. There shouldn't just be fear. There should be the idea of you want better for your life that you're dissatisfied with. All these different emotions will tell you something about what you want what you don't like about your situation at that point, and why you need this change in this pivot. You need to figure out whether or not you're going to kind of saying drop like is hot or implement an incremental plan.

There are plenty of questions to ask yourself about what emotions come up, what different directions you can go, and how you can get help. Don’t ever feel like having to pivot or change or even pause as a failure. Nothing we do in life will ever be perfect. And with all the new ways people are now seeing to live and make money, it will be a constant trial and error.