Should You Turn A Passion Into A Side Hustle?

Should You Turn A Passion Into A Side Hustle?

We all have something that people always talk about. Whether its the treats you bake, the ornaments you make, or the pictures you take. If you’re lucky, these people will pay you to do it for them.

And it’s nice to have the little extra cash. But should you try to make it something more?

I mean, you love doing it. And people will pay for it. The idea of making it something more is appealing.

But should you?

There is a lot of pressure out there to always be producing. Always making money. And you really have to think about if you can handle that pressure. With having customers dictate what you create.

While I am a big advocate for side hustles and getting people out of dead-end jobs, its ultimately up to you to decide what’s best. Don’t allow anyone to push you in one direction because of their preconceived ideas, even if they are close to you. Only you know what’s best.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if you should turn your passion into a side hustle:


  • How much free time do you have to commit to this?

  • Do you have the physical and mental space to do this for a prolonged period of time?

  • What are the startup costs? Costs to maintain? Do you have the money now to get it up and running and how long will that money last?

Deep Dive

  • Would it ruin the fun of your passion to not have 100% say in what you make or do?

  • Can you only do it in small bursts? Do you mostly do it when the mood hits? Could you make yourself do it when you really don’t feel like it? (This is not an indication to not do it. You can always make it a seasonal thing.)

  • Will the extra money be worth the stress?

  • Will the extra money actually make things easier? (ie make doing taxes harder, can’t say no to people who want a discount or free stuff, can’t do it alone for long, etc)

Some of these questions may seem a bit negative, but I want you to really look at this realistically. Not everyone is cut out to have a business or side hustle. It won’t be fun and easy all the time. But if you can answer these questions honestly and still want to do it you will be leaps ahead of others. plus, you won’t be completely discouraged when something bad happens.

Let me know if you need any help working through this. I can answer any quick questions.

Also I have consulting services just for helping you get set up with your hustle or business. Its called Back Sheep Make Bank if you think you need a lot more help.