Personality Traits Are Just A Part Of You

I love taking personality traits. Many are very useful to know about yourself. Even the fun, goofy ones teach you things. Even though they can give deep insights into yourself with great tips on how to better yourself or use these out into the world, they are not all there is to you. Some even don’t seem to work well together. That does not mean that you can’t be or do something that doesn’t “fit”.

They are tools to help you learn about yourself

Even the fun, ridiculous ones, you learn something about yourself. Yes, I am an introvert. It shows me better how to manage my time and conserve my energy for the important things. On top of that each thing you find little pieces of yourself.

Take the parts that work for you

Not everything will fit you. Yes, as an introvert crowds can suck. But not for every situation. I actually like concerts, weddings, and conferences. But not all the time. My Rebel Tendency (the four tendencies) makes it hard sometimes to be motivated to do things. People cannot tell me what to do….most of the time. There are situations that having someone actually pushing me can help me start, but the rest after that is a hell no.

There are ways around them

There is always a way to work around things. Though we cannot really change who we are fundamentally, we can find ways to get things done. Especially since other parts of yourself can help you for the parts that don’t work for you.

Here are the other blog posts talking about the personality traits I have and links to the quizzes.