Leading With Hope

Leading With Hope

Lead with hope and not with fear

This podcast was all about not staying in a box. Especially one made by others. Fear that we will somehow break a rule or hurt others in our decisions holds us back. But we are taught that by others’ fears and not by the possibilities.

You need to have the idea of hope that you can create the change that you want, that you can do something to change where your circumstances are. Because there is enough changing going on in the world right now. And we are part of that change.

Some people are now realizing that we can work from home. It is an option, it could save you money, it can save the business money. So many of us have been advocating for this for people for years. Sadly it took a pandemic to force the issue. you can actually do a little bit more with your kids because by the time you get done with work, that is it, you just have to walk out that room.

This is a great time to really evaluate what you want in life. What needs to shift. And what is actually possible. All I’ve ever wanted was for people to be open to the possibilities.

Your dreams don’t have to be big, they just need to be for you and you alone.