How Mental Health Issues Can Differ Between Introverts and Extroverts

It’s already known the differences between introverts and extroverts. And many are seeing the blind spots in the medical field. So much research out there was only tested on men. Mainly because they didn’t want to work with the variables of menstruation. And more is coming out on how many girls and women are not being diagnosed with autism or heart attacks because the narrow symptom list is so narrow.

So when it comes to mental health, which is already full of wholes and stigma, a lot gets missed. Here are a few things I have noticed with people who finally got diagnosed after years or doctors ignoring problems.

Introverts are already quiet so its not noticed as soon

Some of the symptoms of problems are people pulling away or becoming less talkative…. Can you see the problem? Since I’ve really noticed this I can tell the difference between a friend just wanting time to themselves and when their mental health is not doing well. But if people do not know that there is a difference they will not see when it happens.

We are already in our heads and like to go in

We love to think. So it can be hard to see when it shifts to something not productive or even dangerous. When we just want to explore or when we are spiraling.

We’re already told other things are wrong with us that needs to change

There’s already so much society tells us is wrong with us. By the way we look, act, or feel. It already is a losing battle. then also because we don’t want to be social butterflies or enjoy everything with people. So sometimes we don’t know what is bad advice and try to change everything, to our own detriment. Or we go the opposite and ignore it all. But don’t make any changes to make ourselves feel better.