Being The New Kid In School

Being the new kid in school

Five Tips for Starting at a New School

Starting at a new school will always be a difficult thing, and especially as you get older it can feel even more overwhelming. Here are five tips to help make transitioning to a new school easier:

  1. Dress to NOT impress. Wear what makes you comfortable and shows your personality, but tone it down a bit so you don’t stand out in any extreme way. Having more of a neutral appearance will make you less of a target.

  2. Have a balance of quiet and friendly. Make sure you smile and say “hi” to people so they know you aren’t standoff-ish or rude, but try not to be too loud or obnoxious right away. Quietness and friendliness are a good mix that shows others you are approachable.

  3. Learn to read the room. Observe and work to figure out which teachers, social groups, etc.  you should try to build stronger relationships with and which ones you should avoid. This is important in feeling out the dynamics of the school and its social setting. Give yourself a week before you make any definite judgments on others!

  4. Stick to the middle of the crowd. Staying within the mix of the majority is usually a safe option that doesn’t draw attention to yourself and helps you blend in, which makes you less of a target for potential bullying.

  5. Take everything with a grain of salt. When other students are talking to you, listen and be respectful, but don’t take everything they say as an absolute fact. Many people have their own opinions and biases that can easily cloud your own judgment. Your parents, siblings, teachers, and the administration can all also do this, so it’s important to listen to their advice, but remember that they haven’t ever been in your exact situation and might not actually have all the answers.

Let me know if you’ve been the new kid in school. What tricks did you have to use? Hope these will be helpful for you or your kid.