Metaphysical Coach: Interview with Emily

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So I am a psychic. I'm an author. And then I'm also a metaphysical coach. So I help other people who are stuck in the sphere around their own psychic abilities or their own intuitive gifts. And I help them breakthrough that. I do a ton of different when I say a psychic. It's not just I couldn't see the future, which I feel like it's like a huge misconception, cause that's not it. Yes, energetically, I can see the futures of things, but I also am a channel. I talked to spirit guys.

So I definitely wanted to fit in and I wanted to be accepted and loved. And I struggled without a lot because I wasn't showing my true self of people. I was so scared the whole time because when you suppress those gifts, you're really also suppressing your natural intuition because they're your intuitive guests. So my intuition was just getting more and more blocked, and there was a point in time when I was so scared in high school. And this is high school like my junior/senior year.

there's a couple like really quick, easy, and super magical things that you can do to really start tuning into what your gifts are and how they show up for you. The first and foremost in the recommend every person to have a magical journal.

Second is to select the validation. The validation is the most magical thing you can do for yourself. It's so much fun. The concept is basically this your spirit guide there trying to talk to you all the time. Every time you've ever asked for a sign in your life or ask for guidance, you've gotten that guidance you've gotten that time. But they speak a different language.

Natural intuitive, bestselling author, and metaphysical coach Emily Davis