Making Intuition Apart of Your Business: Interview with Victoria

Victoria is an Intuitive Counselor and Coach. She has been a counselor for years with a Masters's degree.

About 15 years ago now, I had a little bit of an awakening in my life where I started to recognize that I had these gifts. And I think we all have gifts, and it's different for everybody. But for me, they were really loud and really insistent. And I realized, first of all, I had the ability to read people so I could get information about people kind of what they were thinking feeling.

I also started to recognize that I had the ability to get guidance for people and I believe that we're all sort of spiritual beings in a physical form and that you know, when we come into our physical bodies, we lose that that Greater perspective that we have when we are in spirit form and that we have guidance available to us all the time. And we just have to learn to listen. And what I also discovered is a lot of times for my clients, that very guidance will come out of my mouth. So as these gifts started to develop, and there are other things that I'm starting to experience to I starting to be able to visualize incense energy and the movement of energy and starting to sometimes will go way out in the Woo, but starting to envision other lifetimes that people have had in different bodies and how that information might be necessary or helpful to them on their journey in this body.

It's only in recent history, that science and spirituality have been separate things if you go back before the time of Newton, and so I'm not super good at history,