Finding Confidence

finding confidence

Do’s and don’t to building confidence

I am a big advocate for people to try new things to live a completely different life than what everyone believes you should out of the norm. We all don’t want to same thing. Even the “American Dream” isn’t what everyone wants. So here are my tips for finding confidence to try something for your own path:

  • Prepare. Because you don't know what you don't know. You need to research what it is you need to do to get to a specific destination or dream. What are all the steps legally you need to take to move to a different country long term? What are all the things you need to get rid of if you want to live a nomad life?

  • Don’t let the unknown hold you back. You don’t need to know all the steps right now. Just what you can do now.

  • Practice. See everything as a test run. Practice doing something you want to try. To see if it really is something you want. To try it out.

  • Don’t focus on what you don’t have. Yeah, some things cost money to get you going. But there are always things you can do before you need those. Different things you can do to help get what you need.

  • Take baby steps. No one will every get to where they want in one or two steps. Break everything down that you need to do into very small steps. So small that they can be done in a day or less, minutes.

  • Don’t worry about what others’ think. We’re all on different paths. Nothing wrong with that. Don’t let their fears and inesurities hold you back. Especially since you are not on anyone else’s time or time